Thursday, 18 September 2008

lalalaaa =P

assalamualaikum all!!!!

huhu.. rindu2 sume..
dh seminggu lebih aku dok kat umah ni.. last week tak terasa sgt sbb mostly my family members demam.. hari yg aku smpi mesia tu, 10 sept ayah aku demam then adik2 aku lak ikot jejak langkah my father.. aku pn 2-3 kali g klinik dlm seminggu tu sbb asek penin2@ saket pale@muntah@nk pitam.. aku dh disahkn oleh doc bhwa ade low blood pressure 90/70.. ekeke.. xseries pn,, small matter.. kne jg mkn la..

erm.. nk tau rutin harian aku ape?? bile adik2 aku pergi sekolah, aku dok umah berdua dgn my mum je.. lepas subuh bgn kemas2 umah.. tgh hari g ambil adik2 aku balek sekolah, then ptg hantar adik aku yg kecik lak g sekolah ptg.. pastu aku jd suri umah la smpi ptg.. heheh.. g bazar, tlg mak masak, kemas meja, serve meja.. tu je.. dan yg penting aku dh dpt atasi akunye jetlag kurang dr sminggu.. :P last year aku dgn mngada je tido ikot time egypt even dok kt mesia.. kire thn ni aku normal la.. :) adik aku pn tkejut sbb aku dh normal..

tp yg best tu, everyday aku soh mak aku tukar2 menu.. sbb klu kat egypt, aku kene masak sendiri.. dh la aku masak
xbaper sedap,oh my god, seriously klu bg aku choices either kemas umah dgn memasak, aku prefer mngemas rumah.. :) klu kemas rumah, mane2 ceruk pn aku boleh kemas.. aku suke mngemas, smpikan kalau tension, aku kene kemas rumah.. hahah.. pelik kn?? pastu byk bahan xde kt egypt mcm ikn bilis, bihun, rempah2.. so, byk la mknn yg aku teringin nk mkn dan aku suruh mak aku masakkn.. waaaa... mak masak the best la in da world.. luv u soo much jgn risau, aku tau masak ok :) even malas2.. hahah..

pastu best sgt dok umah, even aku xkuar,klu kuar pn just bwk mak g supermarket, g sekolah adik2.. tp best sbb dpt jmpe family..
tu la..kdg2 bile kite dok jauh dgn family, baru nk rase rindu2 ni.. lebih mhargai la..

nk citer psl sorg jiran aku ni.. umur die baru die dh kawen and ade sorg ank lelaki.. nama ank die tu mohd hanafi al-danish..baru 5 bulan.. comel sgt ank die tu.. die ni sll la lepak2 umah aku, kire aku boleh la nk jd baby sitter pd ank die.. ye la, aku pn tua 2 thn pd mak die tu..mak die pggl aku pn kak nurul.. skang aku dh baik gile dgn si nafi [aku pggl ank die] si nafi ni dh di ajar supaya ske warna biru, dh tu.. si nafi ni suke sgt main hp aku sbb hp aku warna biru n ade bnda bulu2 dan gantung2 yg warna biru.. mak aku ckp ape tau, gaya aku mcm practise.. adehh.. hahahaha.. xptt betul..

psl bnde yg aku kate nk wat decision tu..eheh.. smpi skang pn aku tak terpikir, aku tak diberi peluang utk berpikir aku rase..
setakat ni, just let it be.. xpe2.. :) but i think, its better for me to set myself to be free.. ape ayat aku pakai ni?? hahaha.. now, i need a space for myself.. i'm finding solace in my hometown mayb?? its not that easy to search for it..its hard,but i'll try my best.. face the reality, not the fantasy.. i can do it.. stand by my own legs, not the others.. oh god..

but anyway.. lets talk about sumthing.. mayb about APPRECIATED??

hurmm.. sometimes, kite x rse bende yg kecil tu penting.. tp, dgn bnde yg kecil2 ni la yg boleh mmbuatkn kite rse dihargai..
ok, for xamples.. wishing our friends birthday.. compare situation : terlupa birthday@ tak wish kwn..dgn wish birthday even lambat.. mayb dgn bnde2 kecil ni la kite bley jd lg rapat.. erm..klu nk kata aku, aku ni jenis suka ingt semua benda yg jd @ org bgtau.. even bnda kecil.. so, ni kire 1 kredit la utk aku.. sbb xlupa.. klu aku lupe lak, mayb aku betul2 busy?? hahaha.. but even aku busy, aku takkn lupe la bnde2 yg berkaitan dgn org yg aku syg :) its me..

give a present maybe?? no need to give such a great things.. kwn2 aku kat sini..dorg dh jd mcm trend, suke bg org brg.. bkn nk harap brg yg
mahal2, kdg2 dorg bg keychain je.. mug ke.. tp sbb bnde2 kecik ni la buatkn aku rse happy.. kite akn happy bile rasa dihargai, dan kite mayb akan terasa kalau rasa tak dihargai.. mayb?? hehe..

thats all.. takde byk pn nk share..

Monday, 8 September 2008


balek kali ni..bkn balek sia2.. aku nk wat 1 decision.. nntkan dgn debaran... ekekek.. :P

ye ye je aku nih..erm.. decision ape?? teke la.. klu betol aku kasi lollypop 12 batang.. eheh..

cpt!!!! sape nk teke?? aku dh xnk peninkn pale aku dgn bnde remeh temeh mcm cekodok basi.. balek2 yg saketnye aku, bkn org lain..heheh..

Pulmonary @ Lung Fibrosis

pulmonary fibrosis, a generally fatal illness that scars your lungs and ultimately affects your ability to breathe and obtain enough oxygen.

The current thinking is that pulmonary fibrosis begins with repeated injury to the lining of the alveoli, the small air sacs in your lungs. The damage eventually leads to scarring (fibrosis), which stiffens your lungs and makes breathing difficult.

No cure exists for pulmonary fibrosis, and current treatments often fail to slow the progress of the disease or relieve symptoms. A number of new therapies are in clinical trials, however, and researchers hope that better treatments will become available. In the meantime, a lung transplant may be an option for some people with pulmonary fibrosis.

the most common pulmonary fibrosis symptoms are shortness of breath (dyspnea), especially during or after physical activity, and a dry cough. Unfortunately, these often don't appear until the disease is advanced, and irreversible lung damage has already occurred. Even then, you may downplay your symptoms, attributing them to aging, being out of shape or the lingering effects of a cold.

But breathing problems usually become progressively worse, and eventually you're likely to get out of breath during routine activities getting dressed, talking on the phone, even eating. At this point, symptoms are impossible to ignore.

You may also notice other signs and symptoms, including:

  • Fatigue
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Aching muscles and joints

Pulmonary fibrosis can vary considerably from person to person. Symptoms range from moderate to severe. Some people become ill very quickly, whereas others grow worse over a period of months or years.

Each time you inhale, air travels to your lungs through two major airways called bronchi. Inside your lungs, the bronchi subdivide like the branches of a tree into a million smaller airways (bronchioles) that finally end in clusters of tiny air sacs (alveoli). You have about 300 million alveoli in each lung. Within the walls of the air sacs are small blood vessels (capillaries) where oxygen is added to your blood and carbon dioxide — a waste product of metabolism — is removed.

In pulmonary fibrosis, microscopic damage to the alveoli causes irreversible scarring of the paper-thin tissue (interstitium) that lines and separates the air sacs. Normally, the air sacs are highly elastic, expanding and contracting like small balloons with each breath. But scarring makes the interstitial tissue stiff and thick and the air sacs less flexible. Instead of being soft and elastic, the air sacs have the texture of a dry, stiff sponge, making breathing much more difficult.

This buildup of scar tissue isn't normal — ordinarily, your body makes just enough tissue to repair damage. But in pulmonary fibrosis, the repair process goes awry. Why this occurs isn't entirely certain, though a genetic predisposition may play a role.

Factors that make you more susceptible to pulmonary fibrosis include:

  • Age. Although pulmonary fibrosis has been diagnosed in children and infants, the disorder is much more likely to affect middle-aged and older adults.
  • Your sex. In general, men are more likely to have pulmonary fibrosis than women are, in part because they have more contact with occupational toxins.
  • Occupational and environmental toxins. You have an increased risk of developing pulmonary fibrosis if you work in mining, farming or construction or you're exposed to pollutants known to damage your lungs.
  • Radiation and chemotherapy. Having radiation treatments to your chest or using certain chemotherapy drugs makes you more susceptible to pulmonary fibrosis.

Risk factors for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Even though the causes of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis aren't known, researchers have identified certain factors that seem to increase your risk:

  • Smoking. Far more smokers and former smokers develop idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis than do people who have never smoked. The risk seems to increase with the number of years and cigarettes smoked, and secondhand smoke also poses a risk.
  • Genetic factors. A rare type of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis runs in families. Researchers haven't yet identified the specific genes involved, but they have discovered genetic changes in proteins in the airways and air sacs of people with other types of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
  • Viruses. Many people report developing symptoms of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis after a viral illness, especially one caused by a herpesvirus such as Epstein-Barr, the same virus that causes mononucleosis. As a result, researchers are investigating the role viruses might play in lung disease.

Complications of pulmonary fibrosis may include:

  • Low blood-oxygen levels (hypoxemia). Because pulmonary fibrosis reduces the amount of oxygen you take in and the amount that enters your bloodstream, you're likely to develop lower than normal blood-oxygen levels. Lack of oxygen can disrupt your body's basic functioning, and severely low levels can be life-threatening.
  • High blood pressure in your lungs (pulmonary hypertension). Unlike systemic high blood pressure, this condition affects only the arteries in your lungs. It begins when the smallest arteries and capillaries are compressed by scar tissue, causing increased resistance to blood flow in your lungs. This in turn raises pressure within the pulmonary arteries. Pulmonary hypertension is a serious illness that becomes progressively worse and may eventually prove fatal.
  • Right-sided heart failure (cor pulmonale). This serious condition occurs when your heart's lower right chamber (ventricle) has to pump harder than usual to move blood through blocked pulmonary arteries.
  • Respiratory failure. This is often the last stage of chronic lung disease. It occurs when blood-oxygen levels fall dangerously low and carbon dioxide levels become too high. Low blood-oxygen levels can lead to heart arrhythmias and unconsciousness; high carbon dioxide levels cause sleepiness and confusion. In either case, respiratory failure may prove fatal.
treatment and drugs

The lung scarring that occurs in pulmonary fibrosis can't be reversed, and no current treatment has proved effective in halting the progress of the disease or improving quality of life. Still, many people diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis are initially treated with a corticosteriod (prednisone), sometimes in combination with other drugs that suppress the immune system.

These medications can cause severe side effects, including diabetes, glaucoma, reduced production of red blood cells, skin cancer and lymphoma. For that reason, treatment is usually discontinued if there's no improvement after six months. About one in three people improves temporarily on immunosuppressant drugs, though it's not clear why some people respond and others don't.

Lung transplantation
Lung transplantation may be an option for younger people with severe pulmonary fibrosis who aren't likely to benefit from other treatment options. In order to be considered for a transplant, you must agree to quit smoking if you smoke, be healthy enough to undergo surgery and post-transplant treatments, be willing and able to follow the medical program outlined by therehabilitation and transplant team, and have the patience and emotional strength and support to undergo the wait for a donor organ. The last requirement is particularly important because donor organs are in short supply.

Other treatment approaches
Other pulmonary fibrosis treatments focus on improving quality of life. They include:

  • Oxygen therapy. Using oxygen can't stop lung damage, but it can make breathing and exercise easier, prevent or lessen complications from low blood-oxygen levels, and improve your sleep and sense of well-being. It can also reduce blood pressure in the right side of your heart. You're most likely to receive oxygen when you sleep or exercise, although some people may use it round-the-clock.
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation. This is a formal program for people with chronic lung disease that includes, but goes far beyond, medical management. The aim of pulmonary rehabilitation is not only to treat a disease or even improve daily functioning, but also to help people with pulmonary fibrosis live full, satisfying lives. To that end, pulmonary rehabilitation programs focus on exercise, on teaching you how to breathe more efficiently, on education, and on emotional support and nutritional counseling.

    Most often, this multifaceted approach requires a team of health care professionals that may include a doctor, nurse, rehabilitation specialist, dietitian and social worker.Programs can vary widely, however. Your doctor can usually tell you about pulmonary rehabilitation programs in your area. Or contact the American Lung Association for more information

life style..

Being actively involved in your own treatment and staying as healthy as possible are essential to living with pulmonary fibrosis. For that reason, it's important to:

  • Stop smoking. If you have lung disease, the best thing you can do for yourself is to stop smoking. Talk to your doctor about options for quitting, including smoking cessation programs, which use a variety of proven techniques to help people quit. And because secondhand smoke can be just as harmful to your lungs, don't allow other people to smoke around you.
  • Exercise regularly. Exercise is a double-edged sword for people with lung disease. It can make symptoms worse, yet it's essential for maintaining lung function, reducing stress and improving overall health and well-being. What's more, strong muscles work more efficiently than weak muscles do, so they require less oxygen to accomplish ordinary tasks.

    If you're already exercising, don't stop. And if you're not currently physically active, consider starting with a moderate workout, such as riding a stationary bike or walking. For instance, you might begin walking at a comfortable pace for just 10 minutes a day. Once you can walk the entire time without stopping to rest, increase the length of your walk by a minute or two each week. Many people with severe lung disease eventually can walk at least 30 minutes nonstop. If you've been prescribed oxygen for regular use, be sure to use it when you exercise.

    You might also ask your doctor for a referral to an exercise physiologist, who can design an exercise program specifically for you. Most of all, don't allow friends and family to talk you out of getting the exercise you need.

  • Eat well. People with lung disease may lose weight both because it's uncomfortable to eat and because of the extra energy it takes to breathe. Yet a nutritionally rich diet that contains adequate calories is essential. The type of food you eat, the time of day and the size of portions can all play a role in getting the nourishment you need. Because it's easier to breathe when your stomach isn't completely full, you may want to eat smaller meals throughout the day rather than two or three large ones. You might also try choosing lighter fare, such as fruit and salads, rather than rich or fatty foods, which take more energy to digest. A dietitian can give you further guidelines for healthy eating.
  • Get plenty of rest. Getting at least eight hours of good-quality rest every night can boost your immune system and sense of well-being.



hari ni baru balek exam last td..practical + oral..
hehe.. oral td dpt partner bdk laki.. sesedap aku jwb kt Dr, tetibe bile partner aku tu masuk bilik Dr, aku jd kelu tak terkata + ade symptom2 gagap yg secara tiba2 je jd..huhu.. partner aku tu bdk malay jugak..merangkap klasmate aku la.. mayb aku cam speechless sbb sllnye aku je yg terselamat dpt partner pempuan..tetiba kali ni..haaaa, rasekan gegarannye. hahah..

pastu masa practical lak, dpt duduk 1 line dgn bdk2 malay yg lain.. kire semeja la.. so, xde la takot sgt.. ingtkn practical masuk xperiment urine test ngan organic+ inorganic stone.. tgk2 masuk urine test dgn creatinin.. huhuhu.. haru je.. seb bek creatinin tu xpayah sgt.. tp, sbb xstudy dlu bnde tu, mula2 celaru jugak la..

aku dh berjaya pecahkan 3 test tube.. sbb saket kepala..migrain.. :( xbest klu saket time exam.. kepala dh rsa mcm kne gelek sgn bulldozer..then denyut2 mcm ape je.. nk mkn ubat pn xley sbb bulan, amik inisiatif tuk menahan kesakitan yg ade smpi abes wat xperiment.. aku pecahkn time nk heat urine tu, sbb nk tau ade albumin ke x.. tp, albumin nye xkuar.. test tube tu yg pecah.. adehhh..kali ke-2 aku test lg.. sbb xpuas ati xdpt result yg 1st.. pn pecah jugak.. kali-3, mngucap byk je la.. tensyen gak.. dh la saket pale.. tp, alhamdulillah la, kali-4 aku berjaya jmpe albumin dlm tu, dgn bantuan *fatie..sbb die do sblh aku masa exam td.. heheh.. thanks..
tp actually aku dh tau dlm urine tu ade albumin la fatie.. tgk color urine pn dh tau, sbb ade sendiment.. :P nway, thanks dear..

lepas pada exam, kuar dgn my classmates..g husin..cari brg sblm balek mesia.. aku just beli mug + mish mish.. heheh.. xde kje sungguh.. tp, mmg aku xde mood sgt nk shooping sbb pale saket kot..smpi umah dlm kol 5 lebih.. and aku baru nk start buat kerja2 rumah sblm aku balek..

luggage xkemas lg, satu ape pn xpacking lg.. baju xbasuh lg..bilik xkemas lg.. umah lg xkemas.. buku tak susun lg..sbb nk tggl umah ni 2 bulan.. mau beranak pinak kang cik Li& cik Ti klu xkemas.. heheh.. ni masa aku wat bnde ni, baru habis basuh baju and packing beg cargo..dgn bantuan kwn2 jugak.. hehehe.. and aku tgh saket pale jugak ni.. bertahan nk menaip sepatah 2 kata sebelum balek..heheh..:P bekalan utk org yg bakal rindu aku.. hahahaha...

esok flight aku pukul 2.20ptg.., just wanna say gudbye to all my frens here + pray for my safety..smpi jejak tanah melayu... ok!!!! will miss u all !!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Cinta memerlukan seribu pngertian....

SUKAR mempercayai orang yang baru ditemui. Jika baru mengenalinya, tentu perasaan sangsi akan timbul di sanubari. Ada yang sudah lama mengenali tetapi masih juga belum mempercayai antara satu sama lain.

Dalam sebuah perhubungan, tidak wajar sekiranya masih tidak ada kepercayaan pada si dia. Walaupun mungkin anda tidak mempercayainya 100 peratus, tetapi tidak salah jika meletakkan anggaran di bawah 70 peratus keyakinan padanya.

Ada faktor yang boleh menimbulkan kepercayaan untuk mencari definisi sebenar kebahagiaan. Berikut antara perkara yang boleh dijadikan perisai diri dalam menjalin perhu bungan:

- Percaya apa yang dilihat dan didengar tanpa syak wa sangka. Apa yang dibicarakan tidak perlu disangsikan kerana ia ada kebenaran serta boleh mendatangkan kebaikan dalam perhubungan. Tetapi berhati-hati kerana mungkin dengan cara ini, si dia boleh menjerat anda dalam perangkapnya yang tidak disangka.

- Mengawal si dia misalnya, jika si dia datang tepat pada waktu yang dijanjikan dan boleh menerima pendapat anda, bermakna anda boleh mengawal dirinya daripada melakukan perkara yang tidak disukai. Bukan bermakna anda boleh mengongkongnya tetapi jika si dia menuruti kehendak anda, dia mempercayai dan tidak ragu-ragu dengan cara anda.

- Komitmen bukanlah sekadar menepati janji tetapi meng hargai perjanjian yang dipersetujui bersama. Jika anda atau pun si dia bersungguh-sungguh dalam perhubungan, tentu saja perhubungan anda ceria dan aman.

- Kejujuran memang perlu untuk menjamin perhubungan yang bahagia. Anda juga tidak patut menyembunyikan perkara yang sepatutnya diketahuinya.

Walaupun ada kalanya tercetus pertengkaran kecil tetapi akhirnya mengambil keputusan untuk memilih pendapat terbaik demi menjamin perhubungan yang stabil.

- Kunci keintiman dalam suatu perhubungan adalah me nerima seadanya baik buruk pasangan anda. Namun, ten tunya anda dan si dia berusaha untuk berubah jika ada sikap yang tidak disenangi hingga boleh menjejaskan perhu bungan.

- Sebahagian besar individu menginginkan pasangan yang tidak hanya mendengar pendapat sebelah pihak malah harus bijak mengutarakan pendapat sendiri.

- Simpati adalah usaha untuk memberikan pengertian yang lebih mendalam, seakan berusaha menempatkan diri dalam emosi si dia. Tidak mudah melakukan perkara ini.

Tetapi bila dapat menimbulkan simpati, kebanyakan pa sangan mampu mengatasi perkara yang boleh menimbulkan pertengkaran dan perselisihan.

- Apabila rasa yakin, anda boleh memberi pandangan bersama si dia, baik dalam hal remeh-temeh hingga ke perkara serius. Anda akan berasa si dia bukan saja mendengar, malah akan menyimpan rahsia anda.

- Memang tidak dapat lari daripada perbezaan pendapat antara anda dan si dia. Mereka yang berusaha terlalu keras untuk menyangkal atau takut mengakui bahawa dirinya berbeza pendapat dengan pasangannya selalunya tidak berani menghadapi kenyataan. Tidak mungkin anda sering mem punyai pendapat sama, sebaliknya mampu berkompromi untuk menunjukkan kedewasaan masing-masing.

- Cinta sejati akan diwarnai pengertian dan rasa untuk dimaafkan kerana dendam boleh menjadi punca kehancuran perhubungan.

Walaupun pernah dilukai, perasaan dendam ataupun mem balas balik mungkin tidak akan terlintas di fikiran.

- Ramai pasangan berasa tidak perlu untuk mengungkapkan secara lisan apa yang ada di benaknya. Hakikatnya, ia sangat penting dan perlu disampaikan secepat mungkin bagi me ngelakkan perkara yang tidak diingini.

Oleh itu, jalan terbaik ialah setiap individu harus berfikiran terbuka. Bukannya harus menerima pendapatnya tanpa perlu berfikir panjang, sebaliknya harus mendengarnya terlebih dulu dan kemudian membuat keputusan.

Aku tak nak tuka department erk.. posted by uroi, but idea from someone yg dok kat cheras... hahahaha.. thanks to my buddy.. :)