Ape kene dgn aku skang ek?? nk smggu dh aku cam wengg je..
huu...nk kate tensyen, xjugak..aku hepi je..
in ur eyes, people cant seem to see anything becoz ur eyes are covered up by tears! [erkk..am i really crying?? i dont think so...] u are constantly hurt and deppressed [mayb, the physiology stress..tp aku xsedar].. no one seems to understand [pliss understand me..takkn tu pn aku kne mention?? no need la..phm2 sdiri sudah lerrr..adehh ] how u feel bcoz everyone is scared to get close to u [hehe, ala2 garang la nie..aku xgarang ok..kdg2 je..hikhikhik].. u long to be able to reach out and tell someone everything [really need sumone bside me :P], and all of ur problems.. but u have no one to tell [mak abah, nk balek..waaaa:( nie homesick tahap petala ke-8 huhuhu], or they just dont seem to want to hear what u have to say. you've been hurt many times [how many times ek?? actually not really hurt, but aku mmg failed bab emotional management yg mmbuatkn aku sdiri yg hurt..erkkk?? how come?? hehehe] that u dont seem to have any tears left to shed [actually i wanna cry..but its true..i dont have any tears rite now], or if u do [i dont like it..never..], they're endless river flowing [hehe..parah nie, bek jgn nanges..nnt xde yg nk pujuk lak..ahaks].. you've started to hide and bottle up all of ur problems and feelings [kn best klu dpt wat camni..hehehe..erk..jgn jd hipokrit ok :P], hoping that maybe they just will go away.. [dont ever try to pray for an easy life...:P xde la..so, face it..] u want company, but at the same time, u're scared of it [mayb, aku pnh kehilangan..xmo rse lg.. :( so now, its better for me to not hav a company..but.. huh.. im speechless].. ur sanctuary is ur room where u can just be alone [yeah..my beautiful bluish room.. yea..ni la tmpt aku btapa slma ni..] and try to throw away all of ur aching pain. u're dark and mysterious [am i too mystery?? whoaaa ] and people like u for that reason. even if u think u're all by urself in the dark, someone is always there wif u [may i noe dat person??]. ur special someones want to admit u and show their feelings towards u [u dissapointed me..], but they're afraid of u how u'll take it.. get out more and enjoy life bcoz, it is far too long to frown ur way through... [yeah, ni la yg aku ngah wat skang.. get out from all these probs, and continue my life as usual..tp..nape aku cam blur dikala kerisauan..]
aku xsdey skang..but im turning blurry sbb tlampau byk pikir..so badly..xbek tuk otak aku yg hampir2 biol..ekekeke.. ermm..sbb tu kot kdg2 rse sdey.. tp xtau ape punca..kdg2 aku hepi..but in the same time, i feel soooo sad?? why?? ni la qoute yg aku rse mcm hampir2 kne dgn aku tp..mcm x je.. hehehe..
anyway..situasi aku skang..aku xpaham ape yg aku ngah alami..huuuu..
huhuhu..saje je nk komen..esok aku de kelas kol 8..tp aku xleh tido..aku sedih..homesick gak..nk balik umah..sabtu ni nani n tatai balik..wargh!!skang aku ngah dok ngis sensorang tgh2 mlm nie..tension gile...
ni tuk ko..
dont shed ut tears babe..:P
xmo sdey2 yerk..
ermmm kesian anda semua ish3...
hahaha..adehh ruhi..
kesian je kew???
xyah r kesian kot..
still standing la..
ayat je sdey..
tp masih boley bsuka ria..
betol tu..huhuh
xla sedih mane smpi kuar airmata drh..
still blh gelak2...
hepy2 jek..huhuhu
hahaha..air mata darah never ok...:P adoiiii
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