hehe.. lama nye x jenguk cni... nak kata bz, tu kinda la.. ngee =D
final just around the corner.. bru lepas 2 practical exams, mr parasitology and mr microbilogy..
2 more to go for practical..
nk ckp, exam microb susah gileee... huaaa =(( hope miracle happen.. haha
mne tau doc salah pndang jwpn aku ke.. aku rse lg byk pki instinct+ membantai dr berpikir!!
hahaha.. aduhai la nurul.. sabo je la..
mcm2.. bile final je.. mule la sume nk wat perangai pelik2.. dh tulak exam lama gile!
start 6 MEI till 7 JULY!! jgn muntah..sabar2..
lg geram, thn ni univ aku paling lmbt habis final compare to another univ here..
sll univ kitorg akn habis dlu..apedaa tuka2 jadual..
so this year kitorg akn meraikan kwn2 lain dlu abes exam.. dorg dh bsuka ria, kitorg kne ngadap buku lg.. huhuhu..
xpelah.. ni time dorg lak..sbb dh 2 thn asek kitorg je abes dlu.. kasi chance la.. hehe
thn ni silibus berat +byk +hard core.. so pndai2 la..
utk cik nurul:: studi ok!! hahaha..sile bg smgt utk diri sdiri.. nk balek mesia x?? NAK!! NAK!! NAK!! hahaha...
[sambil memandang sayu envelope Venus Tour yg dikepit kat lampu meja studi ku..lalala~]
21 july, wait for me k.. :)

1 comment:
ya betollll.stdy2.hehe
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