Friday, 8 August 2008


Dont be sad..ermm..dlm hidup kite, kite xpenah lari dr prasaan sdey..even mcm2 bnde pn yg bley boleh wat kite sdey actually..mcmne kite nk elakkn diri dr sedih?? slh 1 cara, yg aku rse mmg boley pakai service to other, may leads u to happiness.. hehe..:D

kalau time sekarang ni..zaman2 universiti..mmg hidup kite penuh dgn kwn2 je..
kdg2 kwn2 tu dh jd 2nd family utk kite kn?? dgn dorg la kite wat bnde2 nakal.. tp dgn dorg jugak la kite studi..:) dorg la penawar..dorg la racun..adehh.. tp, klu kite sll tlg dorg..mest kite hepi je kn?? xde probs dgn sape2.. n org pn ske nk kwn dgn kite..:) tu salah 1 kunci happiness..

cuba korg duduk dgn kwn2 korg yg ade probs..then mintak die story.. try to settle it dgn
cara yg baek..even korg xley settlekn mslh die pn, die boleh release kn?? Dgn cara korg jd pendengar yg setia la..hehe..tu maksudnye..korg dh kurangkn mslh die..dgn cite mslh kat korg pn die dh boleh tsenyum..pastu..mest korg rase hepi je kn?? ni la satu2 nye cara untuk dptkn happiness.. tak semestinya kite kene wat bnde2 yg susah..

dlm keadaan aku yg masih lg insomnia dikala musim cuti ni..aku ade terbaca 1 hadith ni..
n aku rse nk share dgn hadith die..

"Verily,Allah will say to His slave as He is taking account of him on the Day of Judgement
,'O' son of Adam, I was hungry and u did not feed Me'.He will answer,'How can I feed U and U are the Lord of the worlds!' He will say, 'Did u not noe that My slave so and so who is the son of so and so felt hunger, and u did not feed him. Alas! had u feed him u would have found that [reward] with Me.O' son of Adam, I was thirsty and u gave Me nothing to drink' He will say 'How can I give U drink and U are the Lord of the worlds!' He will say, 'Did u not noe that My slave so and so who is the son of so and so felt thirsty, and u did not give him drink. Alas! had u feed him u would have found that [reward] with Me.O' son of Adam, I became sick and U did not visit Me .'' He will say, 'How can I visit U and U are the Lord of the worlds!'.He wil say, 'Did u not noe that My slave so and so who is the son of so and so became sick, and u did not visit him. Alas! had u visited him u would have found Me with him."

Being a good deeds to the other is not a crime..:) [ofkos la..hehehe]*ni ayat aku erk,
bkn hadith..hadith yg atas tu..ihik2..:P hehe...

kdg2 kite sll lupe dgn bnde2 kecik mcm ni..yg kite tau, klu nk wat bnde baek je..
penat pikir bnde2 yg besar.. tp sbenarnye dlm hadith pn ade ckp..even kite bg mkn org, bg minum..and mlawat org pn kite dh boley dpt rewards..

ermm..interesting point kat dlm hadith atas ni..yg 3rd part tu.."u would have found me with
him.." :) *try tgk beza 1st and 2nd part..:) 'sick' kat ctu..ade jugak yg kate those whose heart are trouble.. so, klu kite visit sape2 yg ade mslh ke..saket ke..sbenarnye kite tgh kurangkn tekanan yg die dpt..kt situ pn kite dh ley dpt rewards..sng je kn?? how wonderful..:)

dlm kite tlg org tuk remove kn hardships yg die tanggung..kite bkn je dpt happiness, tp..
kite akn dpt rewards jugak from, tak rugi pn kalau kite buat baik dgn org..:)

pernah tak kite terpikir.."ermm, aku ni dh la nakal2..pastu amek smbil lewa je klu wat ape2.."
hehe..kite mest penah kn tpikir yg kite ni, adekah kite xboley wat bnde baek?? and bnde baik kite tu diterima x??

kat cni ade 1 lg cerita..sedangkn Allah terima seorg pelacur dr kalangan Israel utk ke syurga sbb die bg minum anjing yg tengah dahaga..[tu dlm kes ni la] :)
apatah lg kite kalau kite yg bg mkn, minum and removing our fren from hardships.. so..jgn segan2 tuk wat baik tak kisah la dgn sesama manusia, dgn haiwan ke.. tumbuhan.. all these may leads u to happiness.. :)

hehe..ustazah in nurul speaking..:P wahahaha~~
aku takde la tau sgt psl bnde2 ni..just nk share hadith ni and sape2 yg nk betulkn klu ade salah..silekn..:) aku terima dgn hati yg tbuka..


ruehee said...

Heee :)

Kampungpisang said...


UROI said...

ape yg btolnye manje...adehh...:P

ye la2..btol2..:P